In his research, Stock studies body mechanisms that lead to transplant rejection when the donor and recipient are not genetically identical. He also studies chimerism (a therapy to prevent transplant rejection that uses the donor's bone marrow cells) and pancreatic islet cell transplantation (a procedure that can allow people with type 1 diabetes to discontinue insulin therapy).
Stock received his medical training at the University of Minnesota, completing a surgical residency before coming to UCSF for a transplant fellowship. He joined the UCSF faculty in 1992.
Stock is an active teacher and supervises surgical residents and fellows. He is a member of numerous professional and honorary societies.
Awards & Honors
Award | Conferred By | Date |
James IVth Fellowship Award | US Representative | 2000 |
Faculty Fellowship Award | American College of Surgeons | 1993 |
Sandoz Fellowship Award | American Society of Transplant Surgeons | 1991 |
Outstanding Surgical Resident Teaching Award | Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN | 1989 |
David Gaviser Award, Outstanding Surgical Research | University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN | 1989 |
Outstanding Research Award, Senior Medical Student | University of Illinois, Chicago, IL | 1982 |
Alpha Omega Alpha | University of Illinois, Chicago, IL | 1981 |
Magna Cum Laude, Honors in Biology with High Distinction | University of Illinois, Urbana, IL | 1978 |
Phi Beta Kappa | University of Illinois, Urbana, IL | 1978 |
Institution | Degree | Dept or School | End Date |
University of California, San Francisco | Post-Doc Fellow/Scholar | Medicine | 1991 |
University of Illinois | M.D. | School of Medicine | 1982 |
University of California, San Francisco | Residency |
Board Certifications
- American Board of Surgery, 1991
Clinical Expertise
Bile Duct Injuries
Bile Duct Strictures
Cholangiocarcinoma (Bile Duct Cancer)
Choledochal Cyst Disease
Dialysis Access
End-Stage Kidney Disease
Fulminant Hepatic Failure
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Liver Cancer)
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Kidney Transplantation
Kidney and LIver Transplantation in HIV Patients
Liver Transplantation
Living Donor Liver Transplantation
Living Donor Kidney Transplantation
Pediatric Liver Transplantation
Pediatric Kidney Transplantation
Pancreatic Islet Cell Transplantation
Pancreas Transplantation
Polycystic Kidney Disease
Polycystic Liver Disease
Portal Hypertension
Clinical Trials
- Pancreatic Islets and Parathyroid Gland Co-transplantation for Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes (NCT03977662)Related Conditions: Diabetes, Diabetes Type 1| Start Date: | End Date:
- Related Conditions: HIV/AIDS, Kidney Disease, Kidney Transplant, Transplants| Start Date: | End Date:
- Related Conditions: HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, Cirrhosis, Fibrosis, Liver Transplant, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis| Start Date: | End Date:
- Related Conditions: HIV/AIDS, Kidney Transplant, Transplants, Liver Transplant| Start Date: | End Date:
- Related Conditions: Diabetes, Diabetes Type 1| Start Date: | End Date:
- Kidney and Liver Transplantation in People With HIV (NCT00074386)Related Conditions: HIV/AIDS, Kidney Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Transplant| Start Date: | End Date:
Program Affiliations
Book Chapters
Zarinsefat A, Stock P. Islet vs. pancreas transplantation in nonuremic patients with type 1 diabetes. Transplantation, Bioengineering, and Regeneration of the Endocrine Pancreas. 2020 Jan 1; 417-423.
Stock PG, Mukhtar R, Ghersin H, Fiscalini AS, and Esserman L. Pragmatic Trials and Approaches to Transforming Care. In: Pawlik T.,Sosa J. (eds). Clinical Trials. Success in Academic Surgery. Springer, Cham. 2020 March 11; 59-76.
Locke J, Stock P. Renal Transplantation 7th Ed. Editor(s): Mulholland MW, Lillemoe KD, Doherty GM, Maier RV, Simeone DM, Unchurch Jr GR. G. Greenfieldโs Surgery: Scientific Principles and Practice: Lippincott Williams and Wilkens, Philadelphia. In press.
Grants and Funding
- Filling a Void of Research (FAVOR) Training for Transplant Surgeons | NIH | 2016-08-01 - 2026-07-31 | Role: Principal Investigator
- Impact of CCR5 Blockade in HIV+ Kidney Transplant Recipients | NIH | 2015-08-19 - 2022-07-31 | Role: Principal Investigator
- Diabetes Research Center | NIH | 2002-09-01 - 2021-03-31 | Role: Co-Investigator
- Sofosbuvir and Ledipasvir in HIV/HCV Coinfected Pre and Post Liver Transplant | NIH | 2015-01-15 - 2019-12-31 | Role: Principal Investigator
- Impact of CCR5 Blockade in HIV+ Kidney Transplant Recipients | NIH | 2013-05-15 - 2015-04-30 | Role: Principal Investigator
- Solid Organ Transplantation in HIV: Multi-Site Study | NIH | 2003-08-15 - 2013-08-31 | Role: Principal Investigator
- General Clinical Research Center | NIH | 1974-12-01 - 2009-03-31 | Role: Co-Investigator
Research Narrative
During the last 3 years, the major thrust of my research and creative activities have focused in three areas, which are listed below along with related NIH and extramural funding covering the research since the last advancement (2018):
- Improving the outcomes of solid organ transplantation in people with HIV and translational studies bridging the previously distinct worlds of HIV and transplantation. Related funding during last 3 years: A) NIH U01Al118594-05 โ Impact of CCR5 Blockade in HIV+ Kidney Transplant Recipients (Stock PI)(active until 07/31/2021); B) NIH U01 Hope in Action Prospective Multi-Center Trial (Stock Site PI)(active until 07/31/3021); C) NIHU01 Al152153-01 โ Maximizing the success of HIV+ to HIV+ Kidney Transplantation in South Africa (Stock Co-Investigator)(active until 03/31/2025); D) NIH U01 A1115714-03 Sofusbuvir and Ledipasvir in HIV/HCV Coinfected Pre and Post Liver Transplant (Stock PI)(funding ended 12/31/19); E) American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) 109119-57-RGRL โ Impact of Everolimus on HIV Persistence Post Kidney or Liver Transplant (Stock PI)(funding ended 01/31/2018).
- Beta Cell Replacement strategies for the treatment of diabetes mellitus with pancreas transplantation, islet transplantation, or stem cell-derived beta cell clusters. We were funded ($11-million dollar grant) from CIRM to develop the forearm as a site for islet cell transplantation. This novel approach uses co-transplantation of islets with parathyroid tissue to facilitate engraftment โ and has the potential for the development of a safe and accessible site for stem cell-derived beta cells. Related funding during last 3 years: A) California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) โ Islet and PARAthyroid Co-Transplantation for Treatment of Diabetes in Intra-Muscular Site (PARADIGM) (Stock PI) (active until 06/30/2023); B) NIH/NIDDK P30 DK063720 Diabetes Endocrinology Research Center (Stock Director of the Islet Production Core, German PI) (funding end 03/31/2020, renewal pending).
- Public Policy/Organ Allocation: During the last 3 years, I continue to have an active role in the development of national allocation policy. Based on previous experience as the Chair of both the national pancreas and kidney committees of UNOS, I have been funded as a senior investigator of the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR). The SRTR is contracted by the government (HRSA) to provide analysis based on the national data registry to guide policy development. Related funding during last 3 years: HSRA 75R60220C00011 (annual funding โ contract to continue thru 2025).
In addition to the public policy development guided by the SRTR, I have served as the Chair of the Ethics Committee of The Transplantation Society, which guides international policies regarding the complex ethical issues involved in transplantation (see Professional Competence below).
Pancreatic Islet Transplantation
The translational research in the field of pancreatic islets revolves around clinical trials of the safety and efficacy of islet transplantation in patients with Type I diabetes. The clinical trials are funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). These clinical trials focus on novel immunosuppressive strategies that utilize co-stimulatory blockade to prevent the immune response against pancreatic islets with a regimen that is not toxic to kidneys or beta cells.
Related research involves improving the techniques required for isolating pancreatic islets from the pancreas, which is being conducted in a fully compliant GMP laboratory facility. The study of the alloimmune and autoimmune response following islet transplantation will be conducted to determine the efficacy of the immunosuppressive strategies. Further translational studies will include methods of expanding the source of beta cells, using direct proliferation, as well as manipulation of precursor cells localized in the adult pancreas. We are currently funded (PI) for a translational grant from California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) to bring embryonic stem cell-derived beta cells to a clinical trial.
Solid Organ Transplantation in People with HIV
With the advent of highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART), HIV has been a chronic disease. People with HIV are no longer dying from progression of HIV to AIDS, but rather as a result of end stage live disease (viral hepatitis co-infection) and kidney disease (HIV nephropathy). Our laboratory heads up the large NIH-sponsored national multicenter trial which is studying the safety and efficacy of solid organ transplantation in people with HIV. Translational research is exploring the impact of HIV on organ function and the impact of immunosuppression on the immune response against HIV and associated copathogens.
Research Interests
Induction of transplantation tolerance to block alloimmunity and recurrent autoimmunity following pancreatic islet transplantation
Safety and efficacy of solid organ transplantation in people with HIV
Research Pathways
- OPTN/SRTR 2023 Annual Data Report: Pancreas.| | PubMed
- An Enhanced Role of Innate Immunity in the Immune Response After Kidney Transplant in People Living With HIV: A Transcriptomic Analysis.| | PubMed
- Implantation of autologous induced pluripotent stem cell-derived islets provides long-term insulin independence in a patient with type 1 diabetes.| | PubMed
- Transplantation: A Priority in the Healthcare Agenda.| | PubMed
- Safety of Kidney Transplantation from Donors with HIV.| | PubMed
- Gene expression-based molecular scoring of pancreas transplant rejection for a quantitative assessment of rejection severity and resistance to treatment.| | PubMed
- Long-term impact of immigration status on outcomes in pediatric kidney transplant recipients.| | PubMed
- Consent for High-Kidney Donor Profile Index Kidneys: The Responsibility of Transplant Centers to Get it Right.| | PubMed
- Transplantation in the Context of Migration and Refugees: A Summary of the DICG and TTS Ethics Committee Workshop, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 2022.| | PubMed
- OPTN/SRTR 2022 Annual Data Report: Pancreas.| | PubMed
- Wait Time Advantage for Transplant Candidates With HIV Who Accept Kidneys From Donors With HIV Under the HOPE Act.| | PubMed
- Next Steps for Clinical Xenotransplantation in the United States.| | PubMed
- Expanding Access to Organ Transplant for People Living With HIV: Can Policy Catch Up to Outcomes Data?| | PubMed
- A Multi-Modal Approach to Islet and Pancreas Transplantation With Calcineurin-Sparing Immunosuppression Maintains Long-Term Insulin Independence in Patients With Type I Diabetes.| | PubMed
- The John S. Najarian symposium: The past, present, and future of surgery and transplantation, May 20, 2022, Minneapolis, MN.| | PubMed
- COVID-19 infection and vaccination rarely impact HLA antibody profile in waitlisted renal transplant candidates- a multicenter cohort.| | PubMed
- OPTN/SRTR 2021 Annual Data Report: Pancreas.| | PubMed
- The effect of induction immunosuppression for kidney transplant on the latent HIV reservoir.| | PubMed
- Erratum.| | PubMed
- Impact of Donor Liver Macrovesicular Steatosis on Deceased Donor Yield and Posttransplant Outcome.| | PubMed
- Maximizing HIV Organ Policy Equity for transplant candidates with HIV.| | PubMed
- A Worldwide Survey of Activities and Practices in Clinical Islet of Langerhans Transplantation.| | PubMed
- Considerations For Use of Propensity Score Matching in Specific Patient Populations-Reply.| | PubMed
- International Survey of Clinical Monitoring Practices in Pancreas and Islet Transplantation.| | PubMed
- National Landscape of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Positive Deceased Organ Donors in the United States.| | PubMed
- Pancreas Transplantation for Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review, Critical Gaps in the Literature, and a Path Forward.| | PubMed
- Effects of Multi-stage Procurement on the Viability and Function of Human Donor Parathyroid Glands.| | PubMed
- HBV-positive and HIV-positive organs in transplantation: A clinical guide for the hepatologist.| | PubMed
- Procurement of Deceased Donor Parathyroid Glands With the Aid of Near-infrared Autofluorescence Imaging.| | PubMed
- Long-term Outcomes Following Kidney and Liver Transplant in Recipients With HIV.| | PubMed
- OPTN/SRTR 2020 Annual Data Report: Pancreas.| | PubMed
- International Travel for Liver Transplantation: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Impact on the United States Transplant System.| | PubMed
- Advantages and Limitations of Clinical Scores for Donation After Circulatory Death Liver Transplantation.| | PubMed
- COVID-19 Vaccination in Kidney Transplant Recipients: An Ounce Pre-Transplant is Worth a Pound Post-Transplant.| | PubMed
- HOPE in action: A prospective multicenter pilot study of liver transplantation from donors with HIV to recipients with HIV.| | PubMed
- Ethical review of COVID-19 vaccination requirements for transplant center staff and patients.| | PubMed
- Examination of the Igls Criteria for Defining Functional Outcomes of ฮฒ-cell Replacement Therapy: IPITA Symposium Report.| | PubMed
- Maximizing the use of hard to place kidneys: Getting the right kidney to the right recipient at the right time.| | PubMed
- First World Consensus Conference on pancreas transplantation: Part II - recommendations.| | PubMed
- Interpreting and addressing suboptimal immune responses after COVID-19 vaccination in solid-organ transplant recipients.| | PubMed
- Kidney Transplantation in HIV-positive Patients: Current Practice and Management Strategies.| | PubMed
- Tests for the noninvasive diagnosis of kidney transplant rejection should be evaluated by kidney transplant programs.| | PubMed
- New Kidney and Pancreas Allocation Policy: Moving to a Circle as the First Unit of Allocation.| | PubMed
- COVID-19 does not impact HLA antibody profile in a series of waitlisted renal transplant candidates.| | PubMed
- Live Donor Liver Transplantation in the United States: Impact of Share 35 on Live Donor Utilization.| | PubMed
- Utility of a Simplified Iliac Artery Calcium Scoring System to Guide Perioperative Management for Renal Transplantation.| | PubMed
- The demise of islet allotransplantation in the United States: A call for an urgent regulatory update.| | PubMed
- OPTN/SRTR 2019 Annual Data Report: Pancreas.| | PubMed
- Long-term Lower Extremity and Cardiovascular Complications after Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplant.| | PubMed
- Retrospective-prospective study of safety and efficacy of sofosbuvir-based direct-acting antivirals in HIV/HCV-coinfected participants with decompensated liver disease pre- or post-liver transplant.| | PubMed
- Metastatic Donor-derived Malignancies Following Simultaneous Pancreas-kidney Transplant: Three Case Reports and Management Strategies.| | PubMed
- COVID-19 and Abdominal Transplant: A Stepwise Approach to Practice During Pandemic Conditions.| | PubMed
- How COVID-19 inspired surgical residents to rethink educational programs.| | PubMed
- Impact of Sarcopenia on Simultaneous Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation Outcomes: A Retrospective Observational Cohort Study.| | PubMed
- Everolimus, an mTORC1/2 inhibitor, in ART-suppressed individuals who received solid organ transplantation: A prospective study.| | PubMed
- Phase 3 trial of human islet-after-kidney transplantation in type 1 diabetes.| | PubMed
- A prospective multicenter pilot study of HIV-positive deceased donor to HIV-positive recipient kidney transplantation: HOPE in action.| | PubMed
- Avoidance of CNI and steroids using belatacept-Results of the Clinical Trials in Organ Transplantation 16 trial.| | PubMed
- Ethical Issues in the COVID Era: Doing the Right Thing Depends on Location, Resources, and Disease Burden.| | PubMed
- A Virtual Crossmatch-based Strategy Facilitates Sharing of Deceased Donor Kidneys for Highly Sensitized Recipients.| | PubMed
- Inferior Long-Term Graft Survival of Suboptimal Kidneys After Living Donor Kidney Transplantation.| | PubMed
- Coronavirus disease 2019: Utilizing an ethical framework for rationing absolutely scarce health-care resources in transplant allocation decisions.| | PubMed
- Challenges of calcineurin inhibitor withdrawal following combined pancreas and kidney transplantation: Results of a prospective, randomized clinical trial.| | PubMed
- Long-term follow-up of beta cell replacement therapy in 10 HIV-infected patients with renal failure secondary to type 1 diabetes mellitus.| | PubMed
- Frailty Is Associated With Increased Rates of Acute Cellular Rejection Within 3 Months After Liver Transplantation.| | PubMed
- OPTN/SRTR 2018 Annual Data Report: Pancreas.| | PubMed
- Organs From Executed People Are Not a Source of Scientific Discovery.| | PubMed
- OPTN/SRTR 2017 Annual Data Report: Pancreas.| | PubMed
- Oxygen Perfusion (Persufflation) of Human Pancreata Enhances Insulin Secretion and Attenuates Islet Proinflammatory Signaling.| | PubMed
- Global Surgery: Effective Involvement of US Academic Surgery: Report of the American Surgical Association Working Group on Global Surgery.| | PubMed
- Defining Outcomes for ฮฒ-cell Replacement Therapy in the Treatment of Diabetes: A Consensus Report on the Igls Criteria From the IPITA/EPITA Opinion Leaders Workshop.| | PubMed
- Organs from deceased donors with false-positive HIV screening tests: An unexpected benefit of the HOPE act.| | PubMed
- Inferior long-term graft survival after end-to-side reconstruction for two renal arteries in living donor renal transplantation.| | PubMed
- Stem Cell Therapies for Treating Diabetes: Progress and Remaining Challenges.| | PubMed
- Defining outcomes for ฮฒ-cell replacement therapy in the treatment of diabetes: a consensus report on the Igls criteria from the IPITA/EPITA opinion leaders workshop.| | PubMed
- Defining outcomes for beta cell replacement therapy: a work in progress.| | PubMed
- ฮฒ Cell Replacement Therapy: The Next 10 Years.| | PubMed
- OPTN/SRTR 2016 Annual Data Report: Pancreas.| | PubMed
- Strengths and weaknesses of using SRTR data to shape the management of the HIV-infected kidney transplant recipient.| | PubMed
- Splenic Vein Thrombosis Following Pancreas Transplantation: Identification of Factors That Support Conservative Management.| | PubMed
- Lessons Learned: Early Termination of a Randomized Trial of Calcineurin Inhibitor and Corticosteroid Avoidance Using Belatacept.| | PubMed
- Clinical Trials for Immunosuppression in Transplantation: The Case for Reform and Change in Direction.| | PubMed
- Erratum. National Institutes of Health-Sponsored Clinical Islet Transplantation Consortium Phase 3 Trial: Manufacture of a Complex Cellular Product at Eight Processing Facilities. Diabetes 2016;65:3418-3428.| | PubMed
- Pancreas-After-Islet Transplantation in Nonuremic Type 1 Diabetes: A Strategy for Restoring Durable Insulin Independence.| | PubMed
- Hemophilia Liver Transplantation Observational Study.| | PubMed
- Reply to Comment on the Article "OPTN/SRTR 2015 Annual Data Report: Pancreas".| | PubMed
- Canadian Laws Are on Target-But Is the Transplant Community?| | PubMed
- Opportunities and Challenges for Kidney Donation from and to HIV-Positive Individuals.| | PubMed
- OPTN/SRTR 2015 Annual Data Report: Early effects of the new kidney allocation system.| | PubMed
- OPTN/SRTR 2015 Annual Data Report: Pancreas.| | PubMed
- Strategies to improve outcomes for hepatitis C virus/human immunodeficiency virus coinfected liver transplant candidates.| | PubMed
- Why do we have the kidney allocation system we have today? A history of the 2014 kidney allocation system.| | PubMed
- Key donor factors associated with graft loss among liver transplant recipients with human immunodeficiency virus.| | PubMed
- Current outcomes in islet versus solid organ pancreas transplant for ฮฒ-cell replacement in type 1 diabetes.| | PubMed
- National Institutes of Health-Sponsored Clinical Islet Transplantation Consortium Phase 3 Trial: Manufacture of a Complex Cellular Product at Eight Processing Facilities.| | PubMed
- Executive Summary of IPITA-TTS Opinion Leaders Report on the Future of ฮฒ-Cell Replacement.| | PubMed
- Phase 3 Trial of Transplantation of Human Islets in Type 1 Diabetes Complicated by Severe Hypoglycemia.| | PubMed
- A Path to Insulin Independence: "The End of the Beginning".| | PubMed
- Liver transplant alone without kidney transplant for fibrinogen Aฮฑ-chain (AFib) renal amyloidosis.| | PubMed
- Effect of Immigration Status on Outcomes in Pediatric Kidney Transplant Recipients.| | PubMed
- Report from IPITA-TTS Opinion Leaders Meeting on the Future of ฮฒ-Cell Replacement.| | PubMed
- Survival in HIV-positive transplant recipients compared with transplant candidates and with HIV-negative controls.| | PubMed
- US Findings in Patients at Risk for Pancreas Transplant Failure.| | PubMed
- A Comparative Analysis of the Safety, Efficacy, and Cost of Islet Versus Pancreas Transplantation in Nonuremic Patients With Type 1 Diabetes.| | PubMed
- Liver Retransplantation in Patients With HIV-1 Infection: An International Multicenter Cohort Study.| | PubMed
- A Source of Treatment for Those Who Were (Almost) Lost: Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Positive to Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Positive Kidney Transplantation-Results at 3 to 5 Years.| | PubMed
- Immunologic Predictors of Liver Transplantation Outcomes in HIV-HCV Co-Infected Persons.| | PubMed
- Management of the Potential Organ Donor in the ICU: Society of Critical Care Medicine/American College of Chest Physicians/Association of Organ Procurement Organizations Consensus Statement.| | PubMed
- Human immunodeficiency virus and liver transplantation: Hepatitis C is the last hurdle.| | PubMed
- Delayed hepatocellular carcinoma model for end-stage liver disease exception score improves disparity in access to liver transplant in the United States.| | PubMed
- Outcome and management of HCV/HIV coinfection pre- and post-liver transplantation. A 2015 update.| | PubMed
- Clinical practice guideline for the management of chronic kidney disease in patients infected with HIV: 2014 update by the HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.| | PubMed
- Management of hepatitis C in kidney transplant patients: on the cusp of change.| | PubMed
- Failure to achieve normal metabolic response in non-obese diabetic mice and streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice after transplantation of primary murine hepatocytes electroporated with the human proinsulin gene (p3MTChins).| | PubMed
- Human islet viability and function is maintained during high-density shipment in silicone rubber membrane vessels.| | PubMed
- Survival of recipients of livers from donation after circulatory death who are relisted and undergo retransplant for graft failure.| | PubMed
- Reduction of HIV persistence following transplantation in HIV-infected kidney transplant recipients.| | PubMed
- Best single time point correlations with AUC for cyclosporine and tacrolimus in HIV-infected kidney and liver transplant recipients.| | PubMed
- Peginterferon and ribavirin for treatment of recurrent hepatitis C disease in HCV-HIV coinfected liver transplant recipients.| | PubMed
- Vitamin D status of human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients with advanced liver disease enrolled in the solid organ transplantation in HIV: multi-site study.| | PubMed
- Kidney infection with HIV-1 following kidney transplantation.| | PubMed
- Changes in clearance, volume and bioavailability of immunosuppressants when given with HAART in HIV-1 infected liver and kidney transplant recipients.| | PubMed
- Solid organ transplants in HIV-infected patients.| | PubMed
- Combined pancreatic islet and kidney transplantation in a child with unstable type 1 diabetes and end-stage renal disease.| | PubMed
- Chronic kidney disease after liver transplantation in human immunodeficiency virus/hepatitis C virus-coinfected recipients versus human immunodeficiency virus-infected recipients without hepatitis C virus: results from the National Institutes of Health mu| | PubMed
- Isolation and hepatocyte differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells from porcine bone marrow--"surgical waste" as a novel MSC source.| | PubMed
- Perspectives on liver and kidney transplantation in the human immunodeficiency virus-infected patient.| | PubMed
- Optimizing the program-specific reporting of pancreas transplant outcomes.| | PubMed
- Phenotypic analysis of NS5A variant from liver transplant patient with increased cyclosporine susceptibility.| | PubMed
- OPTN/SRTR 2011 Annual Data Report: liver.| | PubMed
- OPTN/SRTR 2011 Annual Data Report: pancreas.| | PubMed
- Kidney, pancreas and liver allocation and distribution in the United States.| | PubMed
- Malignancy in the HIV-infected patients undergoing liver and kidney transplantation.| | PubMed
- Surgical complications in 275 HIV-infected liver and/or kidney transplantation recipients.| | PubMed
- Liver transplant outcomes in HIV+ haemophilic men.| | PubMed
- Liver transplantation in HIV patients.| | PubMed
- Improvement in outcomes of clinical islet transplantation: 1999-2010.| | PubMed
- Outcomes of liver transplant recipients with hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency virus coinfection.| | PubMed
- Development of organ-specific donor risk indices.| | PubMed
- The Effect of HLA-DR Matching on Pediatric Kidney Transplantation-Reply.| | PubMed
- HLA-DR matching in organ allocation: balance between waiting time and rejection in pediatric kidney transplantation.| | PubMed
- The risk and opportunity of homeostatic repopulation.| | PubMed
- Transplant surgery fellow perceptions about training and the ensuing job market-are the right number of surgeons being trained?| | PubMed
- Islet transplantation in type 1 diabetic patients using calcineurin inhibitor-free immunosuppressive protocols based on T-cell adhesion or costimulation blockade.| | PubMed
- Outcomes of kidney transplantation in HIV-infected recipients.| | PubMed
- An analysis of the lack of donor pancreas utilization from younger adult organ donors.| | PubMed
- Role of PD-L1 and PD-L2 in allergic diseases and asthma.| | PubMed
- Islet transplantation in type 1 diabetics using an immunosuppressive protocol based on the anti-LFA-1 antibody efalizumab.| | PubMed
- Virologic and clinical outcomes of hepatitis B virus infection in HIV-HBV coinfected transplant recipients.| | PubMed
- Clinical islet transplantation at the University of California, San Francisco.| | PubMed
- Kidney transplantation at UCSF: 8,300 transplants and onward.| | PubMed
- Long-term survival and renal transplantation in a monozygotic twin with cloacal dysgenesis sequence.| | PubMed
- Solid organ transplantation in the HIV-infected patient.| | PubMed
- Liver and kidney transplantation in HIV-infected patients.| | PubMed
- Renal transplantation in patients with HIV.| | PubMed
- MELD score is an important predictor of pretransplantation mortality in HIV-infected liver transplant candidates.| | PubMed
- Promotion of altruistic donation.| | PubMed
- Successful clinical islet isolation using a GMP-manufactured collagenase and neutral protease.| | PubMed
- PD-L1 and PD-L2 modulate airway inflammation and iNKT-cell-dependent airway hyperreactivity in opposing directions.| | PubMed
- Viable strategies to facilitate liver transplantation for human immunodeficiency virus coinfection.| | PubMed
- Balancing multiple and conflicting allocation goals: a logical path forward.| | PubMed
- Kidney and pancreas transplantation in the United States, 1998-2007: access for patients with diabetes and end-stage renal disease.| | PubMed
- Treatment-dependent loss of polyfunctional CD8+ T-cell responses in HIV-infected kidney transplant recipients is associated with herpesvirus reactivation.| | PubMed
- Predictors associated with terminal renal function in deceased organ donors in the intensive care unit.| | PubMed
- Financial issues constraining the use of pancreata recovered for islet transplantation: a white paper.| | PubMed
- Tract-based spatial statistics of diffusion tensor imaging in adults with dyslexia.| | PubMed
- Hepatic progenitor cells from adult human livers for cell transplantation.| | PubMed
- Hepatocytes derived from adult stem cells.| | PubMed
- Human albumin preserves islet mass and function better than whole serum during pretransplantation islet culture.| | PubMed
- Are HIV-infected patients candidates for liver transplantation?| | PubMed
- Liver transplantation at UCSF--a 20-year experience.| | PubMed
- HIV-infected liver and kidney transplant recipients: 1- and 3-year outcomes.| | PubMed
- Immunosuppressant pharmacokinetics and dosing modifications in HIV-1 infected liver and kidney transplant recipients.| | PubMed
- Evolving clinical strategies for transplantation in the HIV-positive recipient.| | PubMed
- T-cell co-stimulatory molecules: their role in allergic immune reactions.| | PubMed
- The rationale for the new deceased donor pancreas allocation schema.| | PubMed
- Solid organ transplantation: referral, management, and outcomes in HIV-infected patients.| | PubMed
- Solid organ transplantation is a reality for patients with HIV infection.| | PubMed
- Inadequate hepatitis B vaccination and post-exposure evaluation among transplant surgeons: prevalence, correlates, and implications.| | PubMed
- Liver transplantation in HIV-infected recipients.| | PubMed
- Outcome of patients with hepatitis B virus and human immunodeficiency virus infections referred for liver transplantation.| | PubMed
- Thymoglobulin-associated Cd4+ T-cell depletion and infection risk in HIV-infected renal transplant recipients.| | PubMed
- Liver transplantation in HIV-seropositive individuals.| | PubMed
- Antibody-mediated rejection of a pancreas allograft.| | PubMed
- End stage polycystic kidney disease: indications and timing of native nephrectomy relative to kidney transplantation.| | PubMed
- Rapid deterioration of HIV co-infected patients waiting for liver transplantation is not predicted by MELD.| | PubMed
- Pretransplant islet culture: a comparison of four serum-free media using a murine model of islet transplantation.| | PubMed
- Cyclosporine pharmacokinetics and dosing modifications in human immunodeficiency virus-infected liver and kidney transplant recipients.| | PubMed
- Determinants of transplant surgeons' willingness to provide organs to patients infected with HBV, HCV or HIV.| | PubMed
- [Comprehensive guidelines translate research findings into clinical policy for HIV-infected transplant candidates and recipients].| | PubMed
- Current status of kidney and pancreas transplantation in the United States, 1994-2003.| | PubMed
- BKV in simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplant recipients: a leading cause of renal graft loss in first 2 years post-transplant.| | PubMed
- Ethical issues in split versus whole liver transplantation.| | PubMed
- Resiquimod, a new immune response modifier from the family of imidazoquinolinamines, inhibits allergen-induced Th2 responses, airway inflammation and airway hyper-reactivity in mice.| | PubMed
- Intraoperative fluid management of living donor versus cadaveric liver transplant recipients.| | PubMed
- Experience with steroid-free maintenance immunosuppression in simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation.| | PubMed
- Polyomavirus-associated nephropathy in simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplant recipients: a single-center experience.| | PubMed
- Beta-cell replacement for type I diabetes.| | PubMed
- Review of transplantation in HIV patients during the HAART era.| | PubMed
- Survival of human immunodeficiency virus-infected liver transplant recipients.| | PubMed
- Excellent short-term results with steroid-free maintenance immunosuppression in low-risk simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation.| | PubMed
- Alterations in skeletal muscle structure are minimized with steroid withdrawal after renal transplantation.| | PubMed
- Key clinical, ethical, and policy issues in the evaluation of the safety and effectiveness of solid organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients.| | PubMed
- Kidney and liver transplantation in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients: a pilot safety and efficacy study.| | PubMed
- Exercise capacity and muscle structure in kidney recipient and twin donor.| | PubMed
- Health-related fitness and quality of life following steroid withdrawal in renal transplant recipients.| | PubMed
- Management of lymphoceles after renal transplantation: laparoscopic versus open drainage.| | PubMed
- De novo use of sirolimus in immunosuppression regimens in kidney and kidney-pancreas transplantation at the University of California, San Francisco.| | PubMed
- Organ donation from children with meningitis.| | PubMed
- The year in review--ATC 2002.| | PubMed
- Review of solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients.| | PubMed
- Targeted gene therapy with CD40Ig to induce long-term acceptance of liver allografts.| | PubMed
- Solid organ transplantation in HIV-infected individuals.| | PubMed
- Successful long-term outcomes using pediatric en bloc kidneys for transplantation.| | PubMed
- Solid organ transplantation in HIV-positive patients.| | PubMed
- Transplantation in the HIV+ patient.| | PubMed
- A calcineurin inhibitor-sparing regimen with sirolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, and anti-CD25 mAb provides effective immunosuppression in kidney transplant recipients with delayed or impaired graft function.| | PubMed
- Experience with the use of sirolimus in liver transplantation--use in patients for whom calcineurin inhibitors are contraindicated.| | PubMed
- The effect of age and prolonged cold ischemia times on the national allocation of cadaveric renal allografts.| | PubMed
- A non-cleavable mutant of Fas ligand does not prevent neutrophilic destruction of islet transplants.| | PubMed
- A dendritic cell line genetically modified to express CTLA4-IG as a means to prolong islet allograft survival.| | PubMed
- Flow cytometry crossmatching as a predictor of acute rejection in sensitized recipients of cadaveric renal transplants.| | PubMed
- Experience with daclizumab in liver transplantation: renal transplant dosing without calcineurin inhibitors is insufficient to prevent acute rejection in liver transplantation.| | PubMed
- Liver transplantation for autoimmune hepatitis: rejection and recurrence.| | PubMed
- Simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation: an overview of indications, complications, and outcomes.| | PubMed
- Hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm with hemobilia following angioplasty after liver transplantation.| | PubMed
- Suggested guidelines for the use of tacrolimus in pancreas/kidney transplantation.| | PubMed
- Risks associated with conversion of stable patients after liver transplantation to the microemulsion formulation of cyclosporine.| | PubMed
- Cardiorespiratory fitness in pancreas-kidney transplant recipients.| | PubMed
- Fas ligand expression on islets as well as multiple cell lines results in accelerated neutrophilic rejection.| | PubMed
- Increased morbidity and mortality of simultaneous pancreas-renal transplantation in patients over 49 years of age.| | PubMed
- Simultaneous islet-liver transplantation: preliminary results from the UC Islet Transplantation Consortium.| | PubMed
- Immune response and myoblasts that express Fas ligand.| | PubMed
- Evidence for primary genetic determination of heart rate regulation: chromosomal mapping of a genetic locus in the rat.| | PubMed
- Fas ligand expression in islets of Langerhans does not confer immune privilege and instead targets them for rapid destruction.| | PubMed
- In utero hematopoietic stem cell transplants prolong survival of postnatal kidney transplantation in monkeys.| | PubMed
- Re-evaluation of donor factors affecting islet isolation from human pancreas using a two-step digestion method.| | PubMed
- Clonal deletion is one mechanism responsible for tolerance in mixed hematopoietic chimeras.| | PubMed
- The Y chromosome. Epistatic and ecogenetic interactions in genetic hypertension.| | PubMed
- Decreased mortality from technical failure improves results in pediatric liver transplantation.| | PubMed
- Living related donor liver transplantation: the UCSF experience.| | PubMed
- Strategies for tolerance induction: potential applications in living donor liver transplantation.| | PubMed
- In vivo (phase I) trial and in vitro efficacy of humanized anti-Tac for the prevention of rejection in renal transplant recipients.| | PubMed
- A multicenter analysis of the first experience with FK506 for induction and rescue therapy after pancreas transplantation.| | PubMed
- Clinical islet transplantation experience of the University of California Islet Transplant Consortium.| | PubMed
- Low postoperative wound infection rates are possible following simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation.| | PubMed
- Long-term outcome in kidney transplant patients with hepatitis C (HCV) infection.| | PubMed
- The risk of transmission of hepatitis B from HBsAg(-), HBcAb(+), HBIgM(-) organ donors| | UCSF Research Profile
- Enhancement of islet allograft survival in mice treated with MHC class I specific F(ab')2 alloantibody.| | PubMed
- beta-2 Microglobulin gene disruption prolongs murine islet allograft survival in NOD mice.| | PubMed
- Prolongation of in vivo mouse islet allograft survival by modulation of MHC class I antigen.| | PubMed
- Major histocompatibility complex class I deficiency prolongs islet allograft survival.| | PubMed
- Nonoperative management of biliary leaks after orthotopic liver transplantation.| | PubMed
- Isolation of functional MHC class I-deficient islet cells.| | PubMed
- Standard sequential immunosuppression with Minnesota antilymphoblast globulin and cyclosporine vs FK 506: a comparison of early nephrotoxicity.| | PubMed
- Evidence for direct and indirect pathways in the generation of the alloimmune response against pancreatic islets.| | PubMed
- The alloimmune response against pancreatic islets is generated by both direct and indirect pathways.| | PubMed
- Beneficial and detrimental effects of RBC-adsorbed antilymphocyte globulin and prednisone on purified canine islet autograft and allograft function.| | PubMed
- Liver transplantation.| | PubMed
- The alloimmune response to murine islets occurs via indirect antigen presentation to LYT2+ and L3T4+ lymphocytes.| | PubMed
- Immunogenic potential of passenger leucocyte depleted murine islets in-vitro and in-vivo.| | PubMed
- Modulation of MHC class I antigen decreases pancreatic islet immunogenicity.| | PubMed
- Comparative in vitro immunogenicity of cultured murine islets and hepatocytes.| | PubMed
- Factors influencing early survival after liver transplantation.| | PubMed
- Frequency of precursor cytotoxic T lymphocytes correlates with outcome following heart-lung and pancreatic islet transplantation.| | PubMed
- Pediatric liver transplantation across ABO blood group barriers.| | PubMed
- Rapid infusion technique as a safe alternative to veno-venous bypass in orthotopic liver transplant (TX).| | PubMed
- Effect of immunodepletion of MHC class II-positive cells from pancreatic islets on generation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes in mixed islet-lymphocyte coculture.| | PubMed
- Generation of allospecific cytolytic T-lymphocytes stimulated by pure pancreatic beta-cells in absence of Ia+ dendritic cells.| | PubMed
- Pharmacokinetics of 6-thiouric acid and 6-mercaptopurine in renal allograft recipients after oral administration of azathioprine.| | PubMed
- Infection and rejection of primary hepatic transplant in 93 consecutive patients treated with triple immunosuppressive therapy.| | PubMed
- Aplastic anemia complicating orthotopic liver transplantation for non-A, non-B hepatitis.| | PubMed
- [Comparison of the results of liver transplantation in children and adults].| | PubMed
- In vitro generated allospecific cytolytic T lymphocytes injure pancreatic islets.| | PubMed
- Cyclosporine suppresses immune-mediated pancreatic islet allograft primary nonfunction and enhances long-term functional survival.| | PubMed
- On the variability of outcome after islet allotransplantation.| | PubMed
- Pancreatic islets generate allospecific cytolytic T lymphocytes in a mixed lymphocyte-islet culture.| | PubMed
- ABO-compatible mismatching decreases 5-year actuarial graft survival after renal transplantation.| | PubMed
- Functional and phenotypical characterization of activated T cells from intra-articular sites in inflammatory joint diseases. Possible modulation of the CD3 antigen.| | PubMed
- Mixed islet-lymphocyte culture as a model for pancreatic islet immunogenicity and cell-mediated immune injury.| | PubMed
- Pediatric liver transplantation using combination immunosuppressive therapy.| | PubMed
- Hepatitis-associated aplastic anemia after liver transplantation.| | PubMed
- Renal subcapsular versus portal vein site for islet transplantation in mice.| | PubMed
- Detrimental effect of ABO mismatching in renal transplantation.| | PubMed
- Permanent acceptance of islet allografts in mice is not associated with immunologic tolerance.| | PubMed
- Plasma amino acid clearance predicts hepatic recovery after normothermic anoxia and cold preservation.| | PubMed
- Prognostic perioperative factors predicting the outcome of liver transplantation.| | PubMed
- Use of triple therapy and percutaneous needle biopsy to minimize graft failure following liver transplantation.| | PubMed
- Intraarticular T lymphocytes in monoarticular and oligoarticular inflammatory joint diseases. Normal subset distribution and less numbers of activated T cells indicate major differences as compared to rheumatoid arthritis.| | PubMed